Wednesday, August 7, 2013

29 1/2- 31 WEEKS: Playing Catch Up!

Hey there my little Bean!!!
You have been such an active baby angel lately and I can't help but to want to poke you and touch my belly all day long! You have made quite the appearance here in my body the past few weeks and we have been growing like a weed! Recently (on my birthday) we spent the day at the hospital because the doctors were worried about us and our blood glucose levels. We spent the day doing a three hour glucose test and later found out that we do in fact have gestational diabetes. At first I was a nervous wreck, I was scared to death to eat or drink anything- even water. After going to the doctor,  I felt relieved. We started a very strict diet the first few days and I was constantly checking my blood sugar and making sure that everything we were consuming was completely sugar free. I spent countless hours surfing the Internet only to freak myself out more and made a three page "concern" list to go over with the doctor about every impossible possibility. Even though we had been following the strict diet that the doctor gave us, it was not helping. Our blood sugar was constantly low and it made us very weak. The doctor then instructed us to eat more calories than the original diet suggested- So we did.. I have recently created my own diet plan and I am doing my own thing now. I check our blood sugar four times a day and I stay on top of how many calories we consume- and it is so much more relaxing! We went from under weight to diabetic all within two weeks so lets just say that I think we are holding up pretty well if you ask me! We are both so strong and to be honest I believe that you are more active now that we have been eating healthier. We will go to the doctor every week until you are here due to the diabetes, they just want to keep a check on us :) but I am not complaining.. hearing your heartbeat is worth every minute spent in that doctors office.

The past two weeks we have.. finished moving, celebrated our birthday's in the mountains, painted your room, decorated /cleaned the whole house, made two handmade curtains, assembled your baby bed, and prepared to have your first shower along with host company at our house for the weekend. Needless to say we have been extremely busy and my pregnancy OCD does NOT help. We have been extremely blessed to have such wonderful family and friends to come and give us a helping hand every chance they can.

I am getting excited about our upcoming maternity leave together, I am excited for a break from work and looking forward to my long/exhausting days and nights that I will get to spend with you :) Look how much we have grown!! :)

29 Weeks

 The end of our 29th week together.. Mommy's birthday- during our three hour test:)

 30 Weeks 

 This shows us at 15 weeks and then us at 30 weeks.. look how big my boy is getting :) 

31 Weeks: the biggest that we have been but I am enjoying dressing my lovely bump.. I am going to miss being pregnant so much.

Birthday weekend- I had the best birthday weekend, your sweet Daddy got me the most beautiful hydrangea plant (MY FAVE) to plant at our new house, a sweet album for me to case pictures of you my darling, and a hobby lobby gift certificate to satisfy my every crafting need.
We had a delicious home cooked meal for dinner once we got to our destination in the mountains and it was perfect! Grammy and Grandpa gave me all the necessities that I need in order to be the perfect house wife: ALL new baking utensils :) Paw paw and Suzanne got me flip flops made out of recycled yoga mats for my swollen feet and a wonderful Prenatal massage for me to use when it gets closer to your due date :) My mom and clay bought your crib and made beautiful curtains to go in your room, along with my precious rocker where I will soothe your worries as you grow into your toddler years :) I have such wonderful people in my life :) 


Daddy and Grandpa trout fishing :) 

Dinner :) 

Our glider: before and after :)

This picture is by far my favorite on this entire post... Two nights before the baby shower that we had at our new home I had fallen asleep and woke up at 2 AM in a frantic because I could not find your Daddy. I looked all over the house and heard a noise coming out of your bedroom, I walk in to find this.. My perfect baby daddy painting your room at 2 AM to make sure that it would be finished in time for our shower :) I could never thank him enough for being so patient and kind to me throughout this life of ours and I am so blessed to have him. Thank you sweetheart for all that you do for myself and our son :)  

Birdman :)

Well that is all I have for you today my little prince. I hope that you are eating well in your womb.. I love you more than you will ever understand. Hopefully this week I will have time to post about the baby shower and all the DIY projects that I have been slaving over :) 


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