Tuesday, July 23, 2013

WEEK 29: 3D ultrasound, concert, baby bump and organizing :)

Hey there my perfect boy!!

I can finally put a gorgeous face with all of these kicks and squirms that I have been feeling this past week! You did such a wonderful job and participated so well in the 3D ultrasound. I have never fell so hard for someones face the way that I did when I saw yours for the first time. You are so beautiful, Brooks! We had such a good time laughing at you! The doctor said that you were completely healthy and that you only have 90° left to turn and that you were moving along just perfect! Your head has been in my ribs for about two weeks so they are a little bruised and it feels like my lungs are being crushed by my little stallion! Look how stinking cute you are and look how much you look like your Mommy!!! 


And our maternity pictures came in..... :) Mandy Cantrell Photography did a fabulous job capturing us at 27 weeks!!!!!! I cannot describe how thankful we are to have these.. 

We have been extremely busy getting everything finished at the new house but we still have lots of boxes to unpack. I have been on an organizing frenzy the past two weeks so I have been making sure that everything is 100% perfect and every space is being utilized to the fullest extent. We really have made great progress so far but throughout the next week or so we should be completely unpacked. 

Mommy's bump towards the end of last week, week 28 going into week 29.

OUR FIRST DINNER IN THE NEW PLACE :) Daddy made a delicious for us last night.. Roasted potatoes, "Pig Wings" with a honey and cinnamon glaze, yellow rice, and homemade sweet baby carrots :) 

 Look at this stock pile of boxes that we have had to go through... UGH!

 Keeping things organized in the bathroom- showcasing my freebies and using mason jars to organize my utensils :) 
Mommy's Kitchen!!!!- Once we are finished with everything then I will post more pictures of the new house :) 

Look what we had!!!
 Judy made the most delicious Red Velvet cake for my birthday.. OMG, it was so kind of her and the best cake I have ever tasted.

This past weekend we went to the tedeschi trucks band concert with the black crows :) 
Here is us right at 29 weeks :)

DIY Kitchen Corkboards :) 

We are on a very tight budget right now and I am looking at all of my decor and "shit" that has piled up over the past few years and I am slowly but surely making use of it all. I love refurbishing furniture and making everything personalized. I was going through our boxes and found these old cork-boards scraps, I had planned on throwing them away.. I noticed an empty wall in my kitchen and decide to utilize the worn out scraps (weeks before I had planned on purchasing the exact same thing but for $20 or more). I adjusted the scraps into 12in x 12 in blocks and used scrapbook paper and raffia that I already had. Literally the scrapbook paper fit perfectly on top of the cork-boards so I heated the glue gun and placed very small dots of glue all over the board that I was covering (try not to use big globs of hot glue because it will make the paper lumpy). The paper fit perfectly in top- I used a cloth and rubbed the paper down smooth while the glue was still warm so it would not be lumpy. After it cooled down then I added the raffia to the boards for hanging. My sweet man hung them for me and I added a weekly menu and shopping list along with an invitation to our first baby shower :)

I loved that I did not spend any money on it and it looks so adorable in my kitchen... AND BTW it literally took me 10 minutes :)

12 in x 12 in blocks
12in x 12 in scrapbook paper
raffia or ribbon for hanging 
hot glue gun 
push pins 

 Finished product :)

This Friday is Mommy's birthday and we are going to celebrate it by taking a trip to the mountains ( I will expect 20 kicks to start my day off on the right foot ) :) I am enjoying spending more time with Daddy now that we live a yard away from his restaurant. This has been a big mile stone in our pregnancy, and we have officially gained 12 lbs (not even a big deal at all). We are starting to need more rest than usual due to shortness of breathe and  have zero stretch marks so far! This next week Daddy is going to paint your room and we will start decorating before our first baby shower on August 3rd :) I cannot wait to celebrate your life with our friends and family!! Well Mommy is off to cook churros with hot chocolate dipping sauce for you my little prince! I will be sure to make a post about it soon :) I love you son!!!


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