Sunday, August 9, 2015

Baby Teehan #2 - 9 weeks

We are beyond excited to welcome another gift from God to our family! We will be expecting another bundle of joy on March 13, 2013! 

We had our first doctors appointment on July 24th & we finally got to see our sweet angel. Brooks was beyond excited & screamed "shister - shister!" So that might be the first sign that we could be having a baby girl. 

Today I am 9 weeks pregnant and I am absolutely exhausted.... We are so excited to have another sweet baby to love. 

How far along? 9 weeks and 1 day! :)
Total weight gain/loss? 0lbs, thankfully. I did start this pregnancy off heavier than I was when I first got pregnant with Brooks.
Maternity clothes? I have definitely adjusted myself to comfy clothes but no maternity clothes just yet.
Stretch marks? Not yet. Keeping my fingers crossed for elasticity through this pregnancy! 
Sleep? Sleep? It's like the only thing I do these days. I am also having extremely weird dreams.
Best moment this week? Having one on one time with Brooks & getting a million kisses from him daily. He is going to be such a wonderful big brother! :) 
Miss Anything? Having energy! I feel so lazy & have no energy for anything.
Movement? No.
Food cravings? Not at all. Food isn't my friend right now.
Anything making you queasy or sick? The thought of cooking makes me want to just roll over and play dead. We have been eating out ALOT.
Have you started to show yet? I have a little bump- I look more like I'm 7 months pregnant from bloating. 
Gender? Not yet!
Labor Signs? No.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Definitely having a hard time staying positive. 
Looking forward to? Getting my energy back! :)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week 2......

Today you are two weeks old....... Let me just say that you are the most beautiful and rewarding treasure that God has ever given us. You have brought so much love and joy into our home already. I know that it's getting harder to write posts and it has been more challenging to document every precious thing you do, so I am starting to take videos of you throughout each day or week so I can remember the little things that you do to make each day worth trying so hard. So far this hasn't been the easiest few days of our life's, but staring at your sweet face in the middle of the night when I breast feed you, change your diaper, wipe your sweet tears or rock you to sleep makes me stronger. It humbles me, it makes me feel human again and reminds me that I am alive and that God has given me a much more rewarding job than just being a lousy young adult who worked overtime just to feed her shopping addiction. I know how challenging the past two weeks have been for you, you are expected to learn how to breathe on your own, all while having to learn how to feed off of me and then how to poop. These are all new things to you, you don't have mommy's internal body heat to keep you warm and sometimes the outside world is just too loud for you when you are fussy. In all reality though you are a wonderful and perfect baby, you are never fussy, you always cry when you get a diaper change but that is because you don't like being cold. You enjoy your baths as much as you enjoy getting your vitamin drops, you love napping all day and your always so peaceful. We are so lucky, you love your daddy so much and every time mommy speaks you turn your head in that direction.. We are the perfect fit and you completed our family tree. The three amigos. I love you more now then you will ever comprehend. Thank you for existing and for being so patient while mommy and daddy try to figure this whole parenting thing out... Xoxoxo love mommy

  • 1/4/2015- I read this post that never actually got posted and was astonished at how well I was able to put into words the way that I feel about you. You are about to be 15 months old now and you have stolen the show. We love everything about your being and we are so happy to be your parents. I can't wait to start another fresh year with you in my arms. I love you son.

Friday, October 4, 2013


My Sweet Prince, 
I am so sorry for not having the time to write on your blog lately- this post may not make any sense and it may confuse us in the years to come when we come back to read about your journey in this world but I am determined to fit every detail that I can remember into this post (mommy has an extreme case of the pregnancy brain if you cannot tell). Short story told long... or long story made short, whatever the saying is... We have been on bed rest up until about three weeks ago. I was taking procardia to stop my pre-term labor that started occurring between weeks 32-33 and the doctors insisted that I would be taken out of work to stay in bed. Honestly, these last few weeks have been the best time of my life.. I am officially 3 days away from your due date and I haven't taken that medicine in over three weeks and you still have not made your arrival. I have come to terms with the fact that you are comfortable and happy in the womb and as anxious as I am, I love you far too more than to rush you. I will admit that Daddy and I have been shoving pineapple and spicy burritos down my throat and I spent 7 hours at the mall today walking around trying to get some labor started.. and NOTHING happened. Last night we made a late night trip to Wal-mart and purchased an exercise ball so I can work you down into position. I know that no matter what I do, you are going to come when YOU want to come and in God's perfect timing. SO... until then I will try my hardest to remain patient. 

I have listed many events and maybe some unimportant details about what mommy has been up to, but like I said, I want to inform you as much as possible. I want to remind you how much I love you.. Each day, with you, in my womb has been the best day of my life- You are every bit of pride and joy and greater than every blessing that I have ever had. I cannot wait until I get to look into your sweet eyes after giving birth and provide you with a love that only you deserve. You could never disappoint me, you are already perfect and I will never think any less of you. I know you are going to grow up into a talented and gifted man one day, and I will remember this day as I waited for you to be in my arms while you were growing and moving in my womb. Oh my sweet angel, kicking up your heels.. it is our little secret that only I can feel, I look forward  to your birth when I can kiss your skin but for now I will just smile as I feel you play within. You are my sweet boy.

DADDY'S BIRTHDAY!!! Well we celebrated the beginning of daddy's birthday in the hospital, I had been having multiple contractions and the doctor asked me to go to the hospital to have them monitored.. They gave me medicine to stop the contractions and then announced to me that I would be on bed rest for the remainder of our pregnancy. At first I was overwhelmed with stress of how we were going to pay our bills without me working. We had budgeted for me to go on maternity leave but we had not planned for me to be out of work for over 7 weeks before my due date.. After a few days of relaxing and praying, I realized how blessed I was to have this time to finally enjoy my pregnancy, I could stay home all day everyday and relax and feel every movement that you make. God provided more than we could ever ask for and daddy has worked so hard. It has been the best thing to happen to our relationship.. Now as we prepare to have you in our arms in just a few weeks I get to spend time in our home preparing for your arrival and if I was working then I would not be able to do that. I enjoy having a clean home and being able to make daddy happy as he provides so much happiness for me. We are beyond ecstatic that I have been on bed rest and that we have gotten to see each other more often. We cannot wait to have you here with us so we can kiss you all over and give you all the love in the world. 

For his birthday I cooked homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast, for dinner I made an alfredo and lemon zest pasta. I made a delicious homemade ice cream cake and he really loved every minute of his birthday celebration. Look how stinking handsome he is!!

Isabelle's first birthday!! Your big cousin Isabelle turned one two days after daddy's birthday, it was the first weekend that I had been put on bed rest but we were not going to miss her first birthday party. I remember going to her 3-D ultrasound just over a year ago and I cannot believe that she is already one years old! She has brought so much joy to our lives and I love spending time with her every chance that we get.

Even though we were supposed to be resting we still had one more shower that Gigi had planned for us to celebrate you.. It was a Mustache themed shower and she did such a wonderful job. Everything was so beautiful and it was a peaceful evening at our house with some family members that we had not seen in a while. Thank you mom for working so hard to put together a beautiful shower so we could celebrate our little man one last time.

We also had a beautiful shower hosted by Suzanne, Caitlin, Aunt Paige, Nanny and Aunt Monica. We have honestly been so blessed with so many people that want to celebrate your life with us and we cannot thank them enough for putting together a wonderful shower for us to collect more celebratory gifts in your honor. You are one loved little man, and I know that you will respect all of these women once you get older.

Just a few pics of what mommy has been up to and has forgotten to post: 
While I was still working I made some quick freezer breakfast meals that I could pop in the microwave before I left for work.. I always feel so much better when I am organized and prepared. 
Dinner I made daddy one day.. Homemade chicken pot pie!! It was delicious!! 
Went to visit your Gigi at the hospital one afternoon and a nice Dr. Bought me a fried chicken dinner and some scrumptious peach cobbler.. 

 Your precious daddy treated me to a pedicure and some beautiful flowers to ring in the fall :)

Our fall time mantel and some homemade DIY decor that I made :)

Homemade "BOO" sign for our front door :)

Homemade "FALL" sign :)

 Delicious homemade chocolate chip pie that I made for your Daddy :)

 Bed rest project 3,568.... Covered an old canvas for our hallway :)

 Some new decor for your nursery :)

 Downy un-stopables for our scentsy--- OH my goodness, it makes the house smell to die for!!!

 After a sushi date night with Daddy :)

 Breakfast in bed from your Daddy :)

 Daddy trying to talk you out of Mommy's belly... We love you and he cannot wait to hold you in his arms. 

 Relaxing on the front porch with my prego reads.. waiting on my little man :)

 You officially have God parents :) Daddy and I knew that Uncle Jacob and Aunt Christine would make wonderful God parents.. they already love you so much. 

 Daddy and Uncle Jacob at their 3rd "Taste of Carrollton" So proud of the man that your father is.. they were pretending to be rocking you. They want you here so BAD!!

You held mommy's coffee for her while she watched Good Morning America :)

Baby bump photos :) 

32 weeks!!!

33 weeks! 

34 Weeks :) 

35 Weeks 

36 Weeks!! Full term :)

37 WEEKS :)

 38 Weeks :)

38 1/2 Weeks.. about to POP! 

Above are some last minute maternity pictures that we wanted to get done since you were trying to come early.. We had such a fun day at Piedmont park with Gigi and poppa clay! Mommy ate a chili dog from "The Varsity" and then daddy treated me to a dozen glazed donuts from Krispy Kreme!! It was so nice to get out of the house for a day after being on bed rest for two weeks.. We made sure that I didn't walk around much and we enjoyed being outside people watching as we took pictures!