Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week 2......

Today you are two weeks old....... Let me just say that you are the most beautiful and rewarding treasure that God has ever given us. You have brought so much love and joy into our home already. I know that it's getting harder to write posts and it has been more challenging to document every precious thing you do, so I am starting to take videos of you throughout each day or week so I can remember the little things that you do to make each day worth trying so hard. So far this hasn't been the easiest few days of our life's, but staring at your sweet face in the middle of the night when I breast feed you, change your diaper, wipe your sweet tears or rock you to sleep makes me stronger. It humbles me, it makes me feel human again and reminds me that I am alive and that God has given me a much more rewarding job than just being a lousy young adult who worked overtime just to feed her shopping addiction. I know how challenging the past two weeks have been for you, you are expected to learn how to breathe on your own, all while having to learn how to feed off of me and then how to poop. These are all new things to you, you don't have mommy's internal body heat to keep you warm and sometimes the outside world is just too loud for you when you are fussy. In all reality though you are a wonderful and perfect baby, you are never fussy, you always cry when you get a diaper change but that is because you don't like being cold. You enjoy your baths as much as you enjoy getting your vitamin drops, you love napping all day and your always so peaceful. We are so lucky, you love your daddy so much and every time mommy speaks you turn your head in that direction.. We are the perfect fit and you completed our family tree. The three amigos. I love you more now then you will ever comprehend. Thank you for existing and for being so patient while mommy and daddy try to figure this whole parenting thing out... Xoxoxo love mommy

  • 1/4/2015- I read this post that never actually got posted and was astonished at how well I was able to put into words the way that I feel about you. You are about to be 15 months old now and you have stolen the show. We love everything about your being and we are so happy to be your parents. I can't wait to start another fresh year with you in my arms. I love you son.

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