Sunday, August 9, 2015

Baby Teehan #2 - 9 weeks

We are beyond excited to welcome another gift from God to our family! We will be expecting another bundle of joy on March 13, 2013! 

We had our first doctors appointment on July 24th & we finally got to see our sweet angel. Brooks was beyond excited & screamed "shister - shister!" So that might be the first sign that we could be having a baby girl. 

Today I am 9 weeks pregnant and I am absolutely exhausted.... We are so excited to have another sweet baby to love. 

How far along? 9 weeks and 1 day! :)
Total weight gain/loss? 0lbs, thankfully. I did start this pregnancy off heavier than I was when I first got pregnant with Brooks.
Maternity clothes? I have definitely adjusted myself to comfy clothes but no maternity clothes just yet.
Stretch marks? Not yet. Keeping my fingers crossed for elasticity through this pregnancy! 
Sleep? Sleep? It's like the only thing I do these days. I am also having extremely weird dreams.
Best moment this week? Having one on one time with Brooks & getting a million kisses from him daily. He is going to be such a wonderful big brother! :) 
Miss Anything? Having energy! I feel so lazy & have no energy for anything.
Movement? No.
Food cravings? Not at all. Food isn't my friend right now.
Anything making you queasy or sick? The thought of cooking makes me want to just roll over and play dead. We have been eating out ALOT.
Have you started to show yet? I have a little bump- I look more like I'm 7 months pregnant from bloating. 
Gender? Not yet!
Labor Signs? No.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Definitely having a hard time staying positive. 
Looking forward to? Getting my energy back! :)