Friday, June 28, 2013


Hey there little man, 

We've had a very productive 25th week together and today is the last day of our 9 day work week so congratulations to both of us! You have been so active this week and you have been making mommy laugh with all of your little dance moves. Mommy has been so inspired by all of our cravings this week and she has started cooking home made recipes and has even created some of her very own. Now let me just tell you that your mother is NOT and I repeat NOT a cook.. I don't grocery shop and I definitely don't cook. BUT.... She has been so intrigued by all of the cravings and budgetting lately that she went out on a limb and went GROCERY SHOPPING! We only spent $27.00 on two weeks worth of meals- we bought lots of fresh produce, herbs, and fresh seafood to create three master pieces so far. I must brag.. it has been so delicious and so much fun!

The first night we made Rice Pilaf with Vermicelli and Baked Chicken

I found the recipe for the Rice Pilaf w/ Vermicelli here (super cheap to make and it does not take long to cook). The chicken was baked in fresh parsley, oregano, a cup of italian dressing and fresh ground salt and pepper.

The 2nd night was my very own creation of lemon shrimp tacos and it was the best meal we have ever eaten..hands down.

Lemon Shrimp Tacos:

1lb of raw shrimp (peeled)
2 bell peppers diced(red, yellow, or green)
3 tablespoons of minced garlic
4 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of fresh parsley chopped
1 lemon juiced
1/4 cup of low sodium chicken broth
A couple pinches of salt and pepper
1 package of flour or wheat tortillas

1. Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a pan on medium temp, add the minced garlic- cook for about 2 minutes for fragrance but be careful not to burn the garlic
2. Once the garlic is heated- add the peppers and the rest of the olive oil, begin to brown the peppers until they soften- about 2-3 minutes
3. After the peppers are softened then pour in the chicken broth and boil for about 1 minute- go ahead and add the raw shrimp and squeeze in the lemon juice (make sure no seeds drop in the pan). Cook the shrimp until they are done and then add the parsley- take the pan off of the heat and leave the cover on it until it is time to serve. 
5. Heat tortillas at 250 in the oven for about 5 minutes before serving. Enjoy!!!!

The 3rd meal was prepared by Daddy and I together, we made homemade red beans and rice with my homemade honey butter atop sweetened cornbread.

Honey Butter Recipe:

1/2 cup softened butter
3 tablespoons of honey 
2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon

Mix together and enjoy!!!! 

Cravings we have had this week:

 A BLT for my little BLT (brooks lofton teehan)

apple pie with vanilla ice cream.... OMG. 

Cheese... lots of cheese.

We haven't necessarily craved green tea.. BUT we didn't feel good at the beginning of the week so this calms our soul.

WEEK 25:
Week 25 has been an adventure... we are getting bigger and bigger by what feels like the hour. We are fitting into less clothes than we have been and we are starting to put some weight on. This Early June heat is getting way too over bearing for us but we are going to make it! No stretch marks as of yet and I hope that we can keep it that way- I rub my belly with Bio-Oil as often as I can throughout the day. Swimming is our favorite hobby right now because we love being outside but this heat is just too much. I feel you move all throughout the day and night.. I hope that my belly can case my little stallion because I know that you are starting to get uncomfortable. It is getting harder for Mommy to get comfortable in bed with this big belly so we haven't been sleeping well lately. Heartburn has become a regular thing no matter what I eat or what I do. I am happy this week, even with my hormones I feel whole and my heart is smiling. We went to the dentist today to get a cleaning before we hit our third trimester and they said that everything looked perfect. You were such a sweet little boy- with all of those tools in my mouth I had expected to have my gag reflexes trigger my nausea but it didn't happen that way, Thank God! I think you were talking to all of my little body parts and keeping everyone in line so we could have a peaceful visit and I want to thank you for that. We are one more week closer my little man, I can't wait to hold your sweet hand and to kiss that beautiful face. I love you little man.. thank you for make me whole. Sleep well my perfect baby angel.

Pictures from this week:
We found $40.00 in an old magazine while we were cleaning this week :)


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Charleston and Macchiato's: 23-24 WEEKS

My knight in shining armour,

Congratulations on your 23rd week and welcome to our 24rth week!! We have been busy getting things together for the Wedding/Bridal Luncheon/Father's Day/Vacation/Birthday Parties so I apologize for not writing for almost TWO WEEKS!! YIKES 

This past weekend we went to Charleston, SC for Victoria & Justin's wedding, it was also your daddy's first  Father's Day!!! We worked literally 9 days straight before we left for our little vacation and had to drive 6 hours after we got off of work on Wednesday.. We were troopers I tell ya. Our vacation was absolutely perfect, we had such a wonderful time and we loved our B&B. We met so many people that asked us about you and wanted to know when you would make your arrival and even felt you kick. The restaurants were incredible and we spent most of our days at the Isle of Palms with family wrestling the waves. The temperature ranged from 92°F up to 98°F  and the Ocean was a perfect 82°F-- PERFECT! Before we left I was reading off a checklist for Daddy to write down and I said, "Don't forget to pack Brooks' swim suit." Subconsciously you are the only thing on my mind, I am always thinking of you, and it warms my heart to know that I get to hold you in my arms within the next 4 months.

Before our vaca and after a very long work week mommy got some incredible news- After two years of working all sorts of schedules at my job, they let me know that I would have a Monday-Friday set schedule and that I would be off of work by 3 PM everyday!!! MEANING that I get to stay home with my sweet baby angel for the most part after I finish my maternity leave. I had planned on quitting work all together to stay home with you but this will allow us to have more money to spoil you with and I will still be able to spend 75% of my time with you! What an exciting way to start our vacation, right??!! We celebrated by driving 20 minutes out of the way for a half dozen order of glazed donuts and a small coffee. OMG they were to die for! The wedding was absolutely beautiful and the past two weeks have just been both exhausted and exhilarating all at the same time.

We got daddy your first 302 shirt and a chef coat that says #1 daddy- We put a little package of all of his favorite candy together for his 1st Father's Day present and he loved it so much! 

This is mommy posing with her little Beach BUMP at 23 WEEKS!

We made lemonade cupcakes with a pink lemonade frosting topped with edible pearls for Suzanne's bday and we made #DIY cupcake toppers with scrapbook paper and bamboo skewers!!!

Mommy and Daddy #23weeks

Look how stinkin' sweet these little slippers are and they are all yours! WOOF WOOF

#Scribblers have been our favorite craving thus far- something about the heat of the summer and the movement in my belly- You LOVE Popsicles. 

 Pics from Charleston

Mommy and Daddy on Father's Day #24weeks

And last but not least we shared a caramel macchiato on the drive home from Charleston- We had such a wonderful trip and the whole vacation brought peace into my soul. 

Mommy has been buying up all sorts of presents for you and constantly feeding our cravings.. no matter how insane they may be. We have been spending a lot of time with our family members and are getting so excited about your upcoming arrival. I know that we still have a sometime before you are here but the more time I spend getting everything prepared for you the more real it becomes. Thank you for allowing me to love you as much as I do and for always being up for coffee :) Tomorrow we go to the doctor and I will get to hear your sweet heartbeat, lets hope these butterflies will subside and let mommy sleep tonight!! Goodnight my moon and stars.


Friday, June 7, 2013

National Donut DAY!!!!

Dear Munchkin,
In celebration of National Donut Day we attempted to get our favorite by ordering a donut covered in chocolate, instead our order was put in wrong and we got a chocolate donut covered in glaze. Neither of us like those kind so see if we participate in the festivities next year :) Momma is just kidding but I had to share that with you because I know you are laughing at my disappointment right now because I feel you :) Its FRIDAY son and do you know what that means??? We have just finished a 9 straight day work week and once we get off tonight at 10 PM :( we are heading home with Daddy and we'll be sleeping ALL weekend (probably not ALL weekend, but for the most part). We deserve a relaxing weekend because have had one hell of a week! Thank you for being so strong and not making Mommy sick this weekend, we stayed healthy and we accomplished so much!

We are coming to the end of our 22nd week together and we are feeling fabulous. No stretch marks and our cravings are very healthy-- Pineapple, Mini-Wheat's, and lots of Milk. We have had some "Braxton Hicks" this week but they don't hurt. Most people can't feel them with their first baby but I started feeling small cramps last week and did some research to find out what was going on. You are getting so big son, and I read my books everyday to see if I can do anything extra to enhance your growth. I am under weight for pregnancy right now so we are trying to put some pounds on... I am going to start feeding us protein powder and BIG turkey legs.

We enjoyed chicken noodle soup and caramel popcorn while I took notes during WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU ARE EXPECTING....

We needed something fresh to go on our front door for Summer so I whipped up a nice "Welcome" banner... #DIY 

Vic and Justin's wedding is only 7 DAYS away.. I am getting everything in line for us to leave for our vacation to Charleston next week where they are getting married. We put together two pillow cases for them to use on their honey moon... How adorable?? 

Can't wait to be on vacation next week and to celebrate their marriage!!! Mimi surprised us with Indigo Inn, a bed-n-breakfast that we are going to be staying at!! Get ready my precious boy because we are going to be having so much fun! :) 

I just wanted to let you know how much I love you perfect boy, I hope you sleep well tonight :)


Sunday, June 2, 2013

7 Creamers and 5 Sugar Please :)

Morning my little tater tot, 

Mommy had to work this weekend so that's why we are up at this ungodly hour. We shared a coffee with 7 creamers and 5 sugars immediately followed by some dancing in my belly from you. You reminded me of how blessed I am and how thankful I am to have you growing inside of me. You have a way of setting a fire down in my soul to make me want to be better, and to do better. You are every example of a perfect miracle from God, reminding me that I am not in control and never will be. God take my soul and let me be yours, bless my perfect angel and always remind me to be humble. You saved mommy Brooks, you are my anchor and at the end of the day everything is right when I am with you. I am honored to be chosen by God to house you in my body, I love you more than anyone has ever loved someone. Thank you for bringing me so much love and joy already.
This morning as I thought about you and my growing love for you, I started to think about how God gave his one and only son to die for me and my sins. My heart will never be able to case the love I have for you and for God so loved the world that he laid down his only son, and there is no greater love than one to lay down there life for another man. I couldn't imagine EVER giving you up for ANYTHING in the world. It goes to show me how much God loves both of us and how unworthy I am of this honor. I am thankful, excited, overwhelmed and curious about my life with you now- You have changed me for the better and you are the greatest blessing I will ever receive.


Right at 22 weeks :)